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About Us

Our Company

Maly’s Foods, inspired by a woman (a Lao refugee, immigrant, 21+ year stroke survivor & Mom of 4), brings quality, convenient and delicious Asian egg rolls for you to eat well, converse and enjoy in the comfort of your home.

We are a family-owned business, independently owned and operated U.S. company, women-owned and minority-owned business serving consumers in the local Naperville, Suburban and Chicagoland area.

A local favorite — Trusted by our very own family & friends.

Our Purpose. We work & live by:

As we work diligently to grow Maly’s Foods to be the leading egg roll and Asian cuisine food provider for consumers and businesses nationwide, we also want to instill hope, inspiration and care in the community by our very own story, values and actions.

Togetherness with Good Food

We truly believe good food at home brings a sense of eating well, brings people closer together, and aspires conversations and laughs.

Our mission is to enrich the lives and enjoyment of individuals, families and organizations, achieved through our quality, convenient, and delicious egg rolls and Asian cuisine product offerings. — We promise a “Smile in EVERY Yummy Bite.”

Our Values


Care (for our Customers, People, Processes, Community). When we take care of ourselves, our employees and each other, we take care in the processes to build good quality products for our customers and the community.

We keep our customers’ needs forefront to achieve customer success — leading to a trusting, healthy relationship and partnership.

Act with Integrity

We strive to be honest, open and respectful to ourselves and others around us.

We take responsibility for our actions, even when we make a mistake– it’s ok, we’re human, no one is perfect.

Recognize Learning = Growth

Learning allows us to improve, innovate and grow individually and collectively as a company.

We learn from each other, from our challenges & successes.

Enjoy & Laugh

We work well together (sometimes, LOL) & love to laugh while we work.

Laughter is truly the best form of medicine.

Our People

At the core heart of our company’s operations is our people (our best kept, secret ingredients). Maly’s Foods is a growing business and our people keeps us moving forward. From staff to management, extending to our valued customers, partners, suppliers, community and stakeholders — We will continue to create and deliver excellence — quality & delicious products for everyone to enjoy. Meet a few of our members:


Brand Ambassador aka Chief Mom
(Recipe advisor and taster)


Founder & Owner
(Business-of-things and operations)


People Ambassador aka “Big Sis”
(Nurse manager turned home chef extraordinaire, always making people welcome and happy)


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